To submit a radiograph to the scheme, the Pug owner should approach their veterinary surgeon and request the dog be radiographed for the screen scheme. For this scheme, the Pug should be at least 12 months old, with no maximum age. The dog should also be permanently identified by either microchip or tattoo. When arrangements have been made for the Pug to be radiographed, the owner should provide the Kennel Club (KC) Registration number with certificate, if available. In addition, the owner must complete and sign the first section, section A, of the certificate, to confirm the details relating to the dog being screened.
A lateral and central dorsal/dorsolateral radiograph of the thoracolumbar spine segments is required for scoring/grading purposes. The veterinary surgeon should radiograph the Pug’s spine as follows; a standard position for radiography must be employed; accordingly, the Pug should be placed in a lateral and ventro dorsal view of the spine from T1 to L7 centred on T8-L1, in order to have a diagnostic radiograph study, the dog should be anaesthetised or sedated.
To assist in the best possible assessment of the radiograph, please ensure that the exposure and processing is checked before submission to the scheme. It may be useful to check the radiograph immediately after producing, in the event of incorrect positioning or problems with the film quality, digital images may be submitted, but images should, where possible, be sent as DICOM files, one dog per disc. This must include the KC registration number, microchip or tattoo number and date of radiograph, as part of the original image.